[i will wear thirty two shades of eyeliner & gentrify your avant garde poetry]

Monday, August 28, 2006

the big sleep unslept or something

Hello Gleasonites!

This is a short hello & good bye. I have abandoned my home in Houston in search of better digs, better people, & more money. I have loaded all of my flammable furniture into one big truck & hit the road. I have dissolved job & lease, etc... In short, I am a free agent.

West coast here I come! (Probably Portland, OR, because I like foggy hippy towns...but who knows? America waits!)



amber said...

Oh Ward! Portland is so nice and we will be so close. Perhaps there will be Mint Juleps in celebration?

ward gleason said...

I only drink mint juleps at the Kentucky Derby (we go every year). But, if you please, I'd prefer a martini, or, if we're daring, a cosmopolitan!

amber said...

We will all be very cosmopolitan in Portland, because it's such a hip city.

Can't wait.

MadisonGlass said...

And hey! You'll be closer to me! Come drink Pabst with me out by the oil refinery. I'll teach you how to spit out the side of your mouth and which grasses to chew. Haw haw.